press is talking about WanderWorld Tour Mag logo

“We give a frame to begin, and above all make children want to discover the heritage or the country” (…) ” Not to mention a few anecdotes about the destination, and a handmade map with the main attractions of the city or the country,” explains Isabelle Morin. The child becomes an actor of the journey, he is no longer the mere follower of his parents. – April 26, 2018

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la presse parle de WanderWorld - Tour Mag
carnet de voyage enfant New York 2

the press is talking about WanderWorld Le Figaro logo

“Visiting a city for a child can quickly prove to be ‘boring’. Except to “put at the heart of the journey the creation of an object that endures”. Two mothers who imagined a travel diary with less text and more interactivity. helps to orientate itself in the city thanks to stickers of key places to place in the right place on the map . It’s enough to set the markers and memories.”

Le Figaro – 16 February 2019

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Hotel and Lodge pro

“WanderWorld offers tourism professionals to provide their customers with a travel diary for children in the colours of the city… And the establishment. A perennial, playful and useful gift that occupies children, it offers professionals a significant visibility since the family will treasure it among its travel memories. Parents are delighted to occupy their offspring while cultivating them and professionals to make a difference.”

Hotel and Lodge pro – 11 January 2019

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Article de presse
la presse parle de WanderWorld Le Parisien

the press is talking about WanderWorld Le Parisien logo

“What do we keep after the fact from his travels?… These travel books are a starting medium, playful and colorful, to customize by young and old visitors.”

Le Parisien – January 3, 2018

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the press is talking about WanderWorld Our Time logo

“This unfolding travel diary allows you to keep tickets, photos, drawings and other favorites to stick on a map of the capital. Ideal for scrapbooking enthusiasts.”

Our Time – February 2018

la presse parle de WanderWorld Notre Temps
la presse parle de WanderWorld Flow

press is talking about WanderWorld Flow logo

“With Ester, she decided to design playful travel diaries. Each contains a drawn map of the city, stickers, a list of places to visit and unusual information. After Paris and Nantes, the creative duo is working on other destinations.”

Flow – October 2017

“It’s not easy to involve children when you visit a city. To remedy this, Isabelle Morin has launched WanderWorld, playful travel diaries.”

CN News Morning – December 19, 2017.

la presse parle de WanderWorld CNews Matin
Carnet de voyage Paris

the press is talking about WanderWorld Le Figaro logo

“Very practical and playful, this small illustrated travel diary,concocted by a globe-trotting mother, contains enough to arouse the curiosity of children and make them want to visit Paname and its monuments. Beautiful walks in perspective”

Le Figaro – 16 February 2018

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